>What we do
>Meet our People
>ARI Board Members
>ARI Associate Scholars
>ARI Friends and Supporters
>Education Series 5th Grade Field Trip to Wakulla Springs Dig Site
>Divers at Wakulla Springs
>ARI Project following the Apalachee to Louisiana
>ARI Education Series 5th Grade Classroom Archaeology Lesson
>Wakulla Springs Dig Site
>The Bennett Family of the Apalachee in Louisiana
>Old Missions in the South and West
>Current Events
>Enter Virtual Museum
>Virtual Museum and Classroom
>Viewing Index Keys
>Using Map Functions
>The Scanning Process
>Teacher Materials
>ARI Education Series Video
>Science of Bones
>Walking with Mastodons
>Aucilla River News
>Year in Review
>Member Publications
>Member Resources (log-in)
>Jefferson County Cemetery Mapping Project
>Aucilla River Tides
>Floridan Aquifer
>Associate Scholars
>Financial Support
>'Lost and future worlds: Marine palaeolandscapes and the historic impact of long-term climate change'
>The Woodville Karst Plain Project
>The Page-Ladson Project
>Apalachee "300 Years from Home"
>The Wakulla Project
>Current Events News Room
>Spanish Missions
>Chronological listing of documented Missions
>Missions of la Florida History
>Mission San Luis de Talimali
>Spanish Missions in Florida and the Borderlands Conference (Speakers bio and presentations)
>George Avery, "The Archaeology of the Spanish Missions in deep East Texas/Northwest Louisiana:
A summary of the last 20 years"
>Elliot Blair, "A Social Network Approach to Exploring Identity at Mission Santa Catalina de Guale"
>John Worth, "The Changing Role of Missionaries and Missions in Spanish Florida, 1513-1763"
>Mariah Wade, "Spanish Missions' legacies and New Perspectives"
>Richard Jefferies, "Community Structure and Organization at Mission San Josephde Sapala, Sapelo Island, Georgia"
>Keith Ashley, "The Maritime Timucua: Mocama Missions by the Sea"
>George Broadwell, "Timucua language and social hierarchy: Evidence from Christian miracle stories"
>Willet Boyer, "Responses to Missionization: The Historical and Archaeological Evidence from Two Mission Sites in Northern Central Florida"
>Marvin Smith, "Excavations at the presumptive site of Mission Santa Cruz de Cachipile"
>Alissa Slade-Lotane, "An Analysis of Artifacts and Archaeology at 8E106, a Spanish Mission Site in Florida"
>Tanya Peres, From Farm to Table: "Investigating Apalachee Foodways in the Mission Period"
>Mary Glowacki, Discusssant
>Nicholas Yarbrough, "An Overview of Past Excavations, Interpretations and Current Questions at 8LE120,
Mission San Damian de Escambe"
>Jerry W. Lee, "Mission San Luis de Apalachee"
>George Cole, "The Tocobaga and the Wacissa Canal - Lifeline of the Spanish Missions in Jefferson County, Florida"
>Rochelle Marrinan, "The Lives of Friars in Apalachee Province"
>Gilmer "TJ" Bennett, The Apalachee from Mobile, Alabama to Louisiana
>Research Library
>ARI Scanning Lab
>Use of Airborne Bathymetric LiDAR for High-Resolution Mapping of Near-Shore Coastal Waters
>Implications for Future Research on Sea Level Change along Florida's Big Bend Coastline
>Florida History in 3D
>Florida Public Archaeology Network
>Florida Division of Historical Resources
>Archaeology Sites in Florida
>The Trail of Florida's Indian Heritage
>Sinkhole Discovery Suggest Humans were in Florida 14,500 Years Ago
>Artifacts Found in Florida Sinkhole Could Rewrite History
>Florida Fossil Hunter gets Credit for a Big Find
>Paleo River Adventure on the Slave Canal
>Discovering the Past: An Introduction to Archaeology
>The article Of Mastodons And Men
>Visit Florida article by Nancy Moreland, "The Wacissa River Airboat Tour"
>What we do
>Meet our People
>ARI Board Members
>ARI Associate Scholars
>ARI Friends and Supporters
>Education Series 5th Grade Field Trip to Wakulla Springs Dig Site
>Divers at Wakulla Springs
>ARI Project following the Apalachee to Louisiana
>ARI Education Series 5th Grade Classroom Archaeology Lesson
>Wakulla Springs Dig Site
>The Bennett Family of the Apalachee in Louisiana
>Old Missions in the South and West
>Current Events
>Enter Virtual Museum
>Virtual Museum and Classroom
>Viewing Index Keys
>Using Map Functions
>The Scanning Process
>Teacher Materials
>ARI Education Series Video
>Science of Bones
>Walking with Mastodons
>Aucilla River News
>Year in Review
>Member Publications
>Member Resources (log-in)
>Jefferson County Cemetery Mapping Project
>Aucilla River Tides
>Floridan Aquifer
>Associate Scholars
>Financial Support
>'Lost and future worlds: Marine palaeolandscapes and the historic impact of long-term climate change'
>The Woodville Karst Plain Project
>The Page-Ladson Project
>Apalachee "300 Years from Home"
>The Wakulla Project
>Current Events News Room
>Spanish Missions
>Chronological listing of documented Missions
>Missions of la Florida History
>Mission San Luis de Talimali
>Spanish Missions in Florida and the Borderlands Conference (Speakers bio and presentations)
>George Avery, "The Archaeology of the Spanish Missions in deep East Texas/Northwest Louisiana:
A summary of the last 20 years"
>Elliot Blair, "A Social Network Approach to Exploring Identity at Mission Santa Catalina de Guale"
>John Worth, "The Changing Role of Missionaries and Missions in Spanish Florida, 1513-1763"
>Mariah Wade, "Spanish Missions' legacies and New Perspectives"
>Richard Jefferies, "Community Structure and Organization at Mission San Josephde Sapala, Sapelo Island, Georgia"
>Keith Ashley, "The Maritime Timucua: Mocama Missions by the Sea"
>George Broadwell, "Timucua language and social hierarchy: Evidence from Christian miracle stories"
>Willet Boyer, "Responses to Missionization: The Historical and Archaeological Evidence from Two Mission Sites in Northern Central Florida"
>Marvin Smith, "Excavations at the presumptive site of Mission Santa Cruz de Cachipile"
>Alissa Slade-Lotane, "An Analysis of Artifacts and Archaeology at 8E106, a Spanish Mission Site in Florida"
>Tanya Peres, From Farm to Table: "Investigating Apalachee Foodways in the Mission Period"
>Mary Glowacki, Discusssant
>Nicholas Yarbrough, "An Overview of Past Excavations, Interpretations and Current Questions at 8LE120,
Mission San Damian de Escambe"
>Jerry W. Lee, "Mission San Luis de Apalachee"
>George Cole, "The Tocobaga and the Wacissa Canal - Lifeline of the Spanish Missions in Jefferson County, Florida"
>Rochelle Marrinan, "The Lives of Friars in Apalachee Province"
>Gilmer "TJ" Bennett, The Apalachee from Mobile, Alabama to Louisiana
>Research Library
>ARI Scanning Lab
>Use of Airborne Bathymetric LiDAR for High-Resolution Mapping of Near-Shore Coastal Waters
>Implications for Future Research on Sea Level Change along Florida's Big Bend Coastline
>Florida History in 3D
>Florida Public Archaeology Network
>Florida Division of Historical Resources
>Archaeology Sites in Florida
>The Trail of Florida's Indian Heritage
>Sinkhole Discovery Suggest Humans were in Florida 14,500 Years Ago
>Artifacts Found in Florida Sinkhole Could Rewrite History
>Florida Fossil Hunter gets Credit for a Big Find
>Paleo River Adventure on the Slave Canal
>Discovering the Past: An Introduction to Archaeology
>The article Of Mastodons And Men
>Visit Florida article by Nancy Moreland, "The Wacissa River Airboat Tour"